New York Odyssey Film Festival (NYOFF) is a non-profit arts organization born from the passion of filmmakers, for filmmakers. Committed to building a community of creatives, NYOFF challenges existing systems of film production and pioneers a new wave of cinema in New York and abroad.

NYOFF celebrates the art of cinema, with cash awards, competitive categories, and a network that thrives on filmmaker collaboration. Beyond our live premiere events, NYOFF nurtures talent growth by providing residency opportunities, empowering filmmakers to refine their craft and excel in the industry.

Dedicated to recognizing original and inspiring work, NYOFF stands as a beacon for independent and emerging filmmakers.


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Cash Awards

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  • Over 400+ submissions

  • 40 countries were represented

  • Our jury watched over 160 hours of content

  • 26% of our submissions were from first-time filmmakers